"This was my first time travelling to Panama as well as my first time witnessing such an overwhelming stray animal population! Spay/Panama is doing a wonderful job at not only directly targeting the overpopulation problem but also working within the community to raise awareness about the importance of getting owned animals spayed or neutered. It was really interesting to experience different aspects of veterinary medicine within the context of the Panamanian culture. I am extremely grateful to all the wonderful staff and volunteers - they were all incredibly welcoming and very helpful when I asked any questions. I feel like I've gotten much more than a simple volunteer experience because in addition to hands-on work with the animals, I've gained a real appreciation of the challenges faced by veterinarians and animal caregivers/owners/feeders on a day-to-day basis. I would definitely recommend this program to anyone looking for a positive volunteering experience that involves working with animals and/or that is simply wanting to donate some time to a fantastic cause."
-Isabel K., Great Nonprofits Organization Review 
"I traveled to Panama last summer and enjoyed it so much that I went again this summer! Not only did I get to travel to a different country and broaden my horizons, but I was able to help these animals that are overpopulated and often in unfortunate conditions. Helping Spay Panama allows volunteers to see the direct effect of our efforts, by seeing the animals the have already been spayed or neutered by this organization on the streets. I also gained experience observing many surgeries and hands-on experience giving injections and preparing animals for surgery, and attempting to communicate with locals in Spanish! I definitely recommend this trip whether you aspire to become a veterinarian or simply want to help animals!"
-jej56, Great Nonprofits Organization Review
"This was such a great experience! the people, facilities, hands-on experience were awesome. we interacted with animals almost everyday, and all the clinic exposure was rewarding. We also got to do tourist activities which was nice. However, there was a lot of downtime that i feel could have been put to good use. overall, I would definitely recommend this trip to anyone who is interested in helping animals and volunteering. 
-Allyson Chase, Virginia Tech, UVIT Student Session III, June 2011
"I spent a week volunteering for SpayPanama in may. I had a great time, and it was a wonderful opportunity to experience a different country. Everyone there truly cares about the animals, and they receive great care. It was really different seeing so many homeless animals on the streets, so the work they do is very important to control the dog and cat populations. This is a great organization and I would recommend it to anyone.
-Jule S., UVIT Student Session III, June 2011
"I had such a great experience as a volunteer here. It wasn't the easiest seeing the condition of some of the animals but what spay is doing is great. Despite the awful conditions these animals they are given a fighting chance. Not only are they given their basic need; like vitamins and vaccinations, but they are spayed or neutered to help improve the life of future generations of animals in this area. Not only are the animals well taken care of the other volunteers and vets are great to work with. They are all welcoming and helpful. I would recommend anyone to help out, visit, or come here. 
-Lauren Davis, Christopher Newport University, UVIT Student Session III, June 2011
"As a veterinarian and volunteer, I can say that SpayPanama is doing positive things for pets and strays in Panama. Their facilities are nearly first-world standard, and the quality of low-cost surgery and care was better than expected. Help support this organization so that they may continue their important work in Central America."
-Dr. Nicole Baran, Veterinarian in Canada, February 2011
"I got in touch with spay panama through the internet. I can honestly say i was so shocked when I arrived and it was such a well run established organisation clean and with comfortable surroundings, it felt like I had joined one big family. I learned so much from working with them and they were very supportive of me. they also went the extra mile and took me out and showed me around. The organization is run so well and the welfare of animals comes first. what really interested me was the Blitz programs that are set up and organized where out reach work is done in remoter places so they take the care to animals where they can, that is really impressive. I was told always to treat an animal as if it was your own and this is a very good philosophy to hold on to. All animals were given a chance and all people were given a chance to treat their animals. A fantastic organisation to work for. I will be back soon I hope."
-Andrea Francis, Volunteer, United Kingdom, February, 2011
"Spay Panama was by far one of the greatest experiences of my life.  Everyone I met while in Panama was kind, generous, and very welcoming; everyone was extremely accommodating considering I didn’t know a word of Spanish.  They helped me out the entire time with any question I had.  I experienced so many different things that I never would have gotten to had I not participated in Spay Panama.  My favorite parts of the trip were the spay blitz in Cerra Azul and the visit to the Indian village.  I had the absolute best time and got much more than I ever expected to get from this experience.  The short time I spent with Spay Panama definitely exceeded all of my expectations.  I've already started saving for a trip back to Spay Panama."
-Kelsie Diehl, Virginia Tech, Session I, Summer 2010
"We had a very unique mother-daughter experience during our time at Spay Panama. I am applying to veterinary school this summer and my mother boards and trains dogs, so needless to say we both have had previous experience with animals. However, our encounters at Spay Panama opened our eyes in new ways to the great amount of animals that are neglected and desperately need care. We felt that we were able to contribute a great deal by helping with the preoperative and postoperative processes. We came away with a great sense of accomplishment—nearly 200 animals were spayed or neutered in the five days we participated in Spay Panama. We even adopted a kitten named Mili and brought her back to the US with us!"
-Allie and Stephanie Charlip, UVA, Session I, Summer 2010
“The program surpassed my expectations. There were so many aspects of the program that I enjoyed—being able to help animals and the community, learning about and assisting with veterinary medicine, the chance to travel, an excellent experience…the chance to learn about a new countryside/culture, meeting new people, remembering and speaking Spanish.”
-Abby Moore, UVA, Session I, Summer 2010
“I loved seeing a new side of veterinary medicine. The program exceeded my expectations! Most students get experience in private practices that deal with middle-class clients. Spay Panama is different, however. It was refreshing to meet so many people who truly dedicate their time an money to the well being of animals and the community.” 
-Liz Rose, UVA, Session I, Summer 2010

Please help and make your tax-deductible gift to SPAYES to support our animal education, welfare and sterilization campaigns.  Thank you for caring about Panama's animals! 

Spay Panama's
Animals Yes, USA
TAX ID#  20-8764359
Spay Panama's Animals Yes, USA is an all volunteer, non-profit, 501(c)3 organization.  TAX ID#  20-8764359
Future Veterinarians of the World........

Here are recent testimonials from veterinarians, vet students and volunteers from around the world that enjoyed their hands-on experience with Spay Panama.  Not only were they inspiried and eager to learn, but the animals received medical attention, spayed/neutered, and loving care.  If you are interested in The Spay Panama Student Vet Program, with United Vets In Training Helping Spay Panama, and would like to share skills or learn, please click here. 
Spay Panama Sterilization Statistics as of July, 2024
Over 350,474 Dogs and Cats